voyage (n.)

c. 1300, from Old French voiage “travel, journey, movement, course, errand, mission, crusade

Unmatched Features for Unmatched Lifestyles

The only portable blender you’ll ever need, designed to fit seamlessly into any lifestyle, from backpacks to briefcases.

Get Ready to Have Your Mind Blown 🤯

We’re not kidding 😊

We’re really brewing something special here and it’s all especially for you, our global community and the planet 🌎

We are SO excited to share this with you!

We’ve poured our entire hearts and life savings into this, called in professionals to perfect the details and intentionally spent countless hours of our time to make this happen ♥️

All for you! Genuinely 🥰

We Care. We want to help. And to be honest, we really just want to make a positive difference. No catch. That’s what fills our hearts up 🙌

And it’s all evolved into so much more than what we could have imagined when we initially planted the seed 🪴

Amazing how things grow when our hearts are in the right place 🌱

And it just keeps growing!

We’d love for you to be a part of it (you already are in our hearts!) and as a very important slice of the bigger picture, we’ve created a little something magical that is going to transform the way you travel 💫 ✈️

The Challenge

Maintaining Wellness on the Go

Do you struggle to stay healthy while traveling or managing a busy lifestyle? Finding nutritious options away from home often means compromising on taste or dietary needs. We understand because we’ve been there, and it’s why we created BlendVoyage—so you no longer have to compromise!

Can you imagine a world where…

The Solution

Your Lifestyle, Enhanced and Uncompromised

This dream is now a reality with BlendVoyage!

And trust us, we’ve thought about all the little details! Our innovative travel blender, is specifically designed for the modern explorer. Whether you’re climbing mountains, navigating urban jungles, or managing daily commutes, BlendVoyage ensures your nutrition goals are always within reach.

So you’ll never have to compromise on your health, taste, dietary needs or food hygiene again!

Who Benefits from BlendVoyage?

Everyone! Especially….

Health-Conscious Explorers: Tailor your diet on the go and create culinary masterpieces with local ingredients anywhere in the world.

Traveling Parents: Worry about baby food no more. With BlendVoyage, preparing fresh, wholesome meals for your little ones is hassle-free.

Busy Professionals: Transform any desk or hotel room into your personal kitchen. Say goodbye to sad desk lunches forever and hello to fresh, energizing meals.

Eco-Conscious Travelers: A travel companion that shares your commitment to sustainability. Compact, eco-friendly, and perfect for minimizing waste and supporting local ecosystems.

Get All The Highlights

Our Promise of Transparency and Care At the heart of our mission lies a commitment to transparency and continual improvement. We’re not perfect, but we are dedicated to making a difference. Through thoughtful design, carbon offsetting, and a proactive approach to sustainability, we’re paving the way for a greener future, together.

At Zuetani, Connections Matter. We’re More Than a Brand – We’re a Movement!

We’re more than just a brand; we’re a movement committed to transforming the act of buying into an opportunity for connection and change. Every Zuetani product, like our launching BlendVoyage, is and will be a thread in a larger fabric of compassion, health, freedom, and sustainability. By choosing our products, you empower us to help others connect, travel, and see the world.

Our unique partnership with artists infuses each item with a story, featuring exclusive designs that celebrate cultural diversity and creativity. We celebrate these narratives by sharing the artist’s vision and passion, and by contributing 10% percent of profits to a cause they care about. This approach not only enhances our collective impact on global communities but also enhances the mindfulness and consciousness of your purchase.

For all general sales, we contribute a further 10% of profits to The United Hearts Travel Fund—a visionary initiative designed to make travel accessible to those from underprivileged backgrounds or with disabilities. This fund helps fulfill travel wishes, creating unforgettable experiences and sharing these journeys with our community to inspire unity and gratitude.

Discover more about how your choices drive change: Learn How We’re Making a Difference

Note: The United Hearts Travel Fund represents future goals and while we will be transparently putting aside the profits to make it a reality, it is not yet operational.

Ready to Transform Your Travel and Lifestyle Experience?

Join the Movement: Be More Than Just a Traveler

Become a Super Backer with Just $1 – For a Limited Time Only!

Reserve your BlendVoyage with a $1 pledge and gain access to extraordinary secret benefits, which will be revealed soon. Enjoy a Super Backer Special Discount of 55% off, receive exclusive updates, and earn special recognition within our community. Your support is pivotal in bringing the Zuetani vision to life, along with the United Hearts Travel Fund—empowering travel that is both accessible and sustainable as well as fostering a global community together.

Even If You Can’t Pledge, You Can Still Make a Difference!

No contribution is too small, and even without a pledge, your involvement is crucial. Sign up today to receive exclusive early bird discounts. Join our tribe and benefit from a wealth of exclusive recipes, wellness tips, and eco-friendly travel hacks—reserved only for our members.